Saturday 16 February 2013

Bell's Palsy, Facial muscle pain, Otot muka,

Bell's palsy adalah keadaan kelemahan dan ketidakmampuan mengawal otot muka atau dikenali kelumpuhan mengawal otot muka, disebabkan oleh kerosakan Saraf Cranial yang ketujuh. Keadaan ini menyebabkan pesakit tidak boleh menutup mata, susah mengerakkan muka kekiri atau kekanan, mata rasa terkeluar atau melentur sebab kelumpuhan otot mengawal mata (eye tearing), rasa keseluruhan bahagian muka yang terkena seperti nak jatuh kebawah, kadangkala 2/3 bahagaian lidah (dibahagian terkena) akan mendapat deria rasa berlainan dan rasa bibir yang bergetar (tingling). Menyerang kebiasaannya wanita yang sedang mengandung, pesakit yang mengalami demam virus, demam sejuk, masaalah paru paru atau pernafasan serius, kencing manis, pesakit yang sering mengadu masaalah sakit gigi, bengkak gusi, masaalah telinga, masaalah hidung, sakit kepala yang serius (migrain) boleh mendapat kesan Bell's palsy. Kadangkala Bell's Palsy juga terjadi kepada pesakit yang mengidap virus herpes zoster (penyakit kelamin)sering diubati menggunakan anti-viral. Sekiranya ada keradangan diubati dengan anti-peradangan. 85% pesakit akan sembuh dengan sendirinya selepas beberapa minggu. Hati hati untuk menghindar (rule out) dari kejadian serangan stroke atau tanda tanda awal intercranial tumor pesakit perlulah menjalani diagnos seterusnya seperti x-ray, Ultrasound atau MRI Bell's palsy is a peripheral (affecting the peripheral rather than the central nervous system) facial paralysis that results from damage to the seventh cranial nerve, or "facial nerve". Due to paralysis of the facial nerve, symptoms can include inability to lift or close one eye, difficulty moving facial muscles on one side of the face, lacrimation (eye tearing) on the affected side, distortion of taste (especially on the first 2/3 of the tongue) and tingling around the lip area (all on the affected side). The condition has an abrupt onset and is idiopathic in nature (no known cause). Bell's affects approximately 40, 000 people in the United States each year. Persons who tend to be most at risk are pregnant women, and persons afflicted with the flu virus, cold, respiratory illness, or diabetes. Some patients have reported having severe ear, nose, mouth or gum infections and/ or headaches prior to developing Bell's palsy. While the cause of Bell's palsy has not been confirmed, it is likely that viruses such as the herpes simplex virus (that contributes to mouth sores) as well as other herpes viruses such as herpes zoster (which leads to shingles) are responsible for the inflammation of the facial nerve causing facial paralysis. Common treatment therapies involve the use of acyclovir or Valtrex (an anti-viral drug for targeting the herpes viruses), prednisone (which blocks immune function to prevent inflammation of the affected nerve and surrounding tissue), and corticosteroids (for reducing inflammation around the nerve and any pain associated with the inflammation). The prognosis for Bell's palsy ranges from complete recovery within a few weeks (85% of patients) to chronic symptoms of facial paralysis (15% of patients). In addition, it is necessary to rule out other causative factors for facial paralysis including those that affect the central nervous system such as cerebrovascular accidents (stroke) and intracranial tumors. This can be determined through differential diagnoses and X-rays, ultrasound, and MRI. Rawatan 1. Akupuncture - In this particular patient's condition, the typical symptoms of tingling and numbness in the affected region combined with an inability to close the left eyelid and motor impairment of the lips and mouth on the affected side are all indicative of Bell's palsy. In traditional Chinese medicine, this condition is due to pathogenic wind-cold attacking the Shaoyang (Liver, Gall Bladder) and Yangming (Stomach, Large Intestine) channels as well as the tendons and muscles. This can occur when a patient is exposed to wind (e.g. sleeping near an open window, driving with the windows down, going on a boat when the winds are strong) and is more common in the spring and autumn months. Often people with Bell's palsy have a deficient immune system (possibly due to genetics, unresolved or chronic illness, improper diet, rest, exposure to toxic chemicals or drugs, or undue physical and emotional stress). As a result, they are more vulnerable to outside sources such as further exposure to physical and emotional stress factors or viral and bacterial pathogens. The exposure to the external source causes the immune system to produce an inflammatory response in the affected region resulting in swelling of the surrounding tissues. This swelling can then obstruct the normal function of the nerves and vessels (ie. the facial nerve). As a result, there is an obstruction of qi (vital energy) and blood in these areas that leads to malnourishment of the tendons and muscles and thus a propensity for the facial muscles to become lax or "paralyzed. The lack of nourishment to the local area can therefore cause symptoms of numbness and tingling, which are common signs of qi and/or blood deficiency in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). The treatment principle used in this patient's case was to use a few distal and several local acupuncture points to eliminate wind, regulate qi and blood in the Shaoyang and Yangming channels in order to remove obstruction and restore facial nerve function. After four treatments within a one-week period, the patient's facial muscles and facial nerve function were fully restored. While some cases of Bell's palsy will spontaneously resolve within a few weeks, this is likely due to the severity of the attack (e.g., the less severe, the easier and less time it takes for the body to fight off the disease). In most Bell's palsy cases however, the patient has a deficient immune system that prevents them from effectively combating the illness and subsequently, the condition may linger or even return. Since acupuncture can help to move the blood circulation and energy to the affected site to help restore function, and also has immune enhancing effects, it is a welcome addition to the treatment of peripheral facial paralysis that can increase the potential for a faster and complete recovery. To prevent future recurrences of the disease, it is also necessary to eliminate any possible factors that can tax the immune system, and maintain a healthy lifestyle involving proper rest, moderate exercise, a balanced, nutritious diet (lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, fish, and reduced portions of red meat, poultry and dairy), and creative outlets for relieving stress. 2. Herbs - Extra virgin olive oil is a great tasting, healthy and enjoyable source of antioxidants, as well as having many other benefits, such as; lowering bad and increasing good cholesterol helping to reduce gallstone formation, helping to prevent colon cancer, antiinflamatory, antithrombotic – helping prevent heart disease, antihypertensive – lowers blood pressure it has vasodilatory effects – keeping your arteries flexible it lower blood sugar levels, builds and balances your body’s omega-6 and omega-3 fats gives you healthy hair gives you healthy skin (including when you use it as a moisturiser) It even softens your stools !!! Garlic: ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND ANTI-VIRAL Garlic has far too many wonderful qualities to mention, but for us, garlic is a particularly great defence “against viruses”. It also lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, can lift mood and has a calming effect. It is an important decongestant and expectorant. It has anti-spasmodic and “anti-inflammatory properties” and massively boosts your immune system. It also gives you plenty of peace and quiet – unless you get everyone else to eat it too !!! Onions: (Spring onions, red and white, chives, shallots and leeks). ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND ANTIVIRAL Onions, even from ancient times, have been used as a cure for just about everything. They are the best source, along with apples, of the very powerful antioxidant quercetin which amongst other things may help reduce symptoms of fatigue, depression and anxiety. Onions help to thin the blood and lower bad cholesterol whilst raising good cholesterol tool They do all this, whilst fighting infections and being “anti-inflammatory”, “antibiotic” and “antiviral”. I have always held the theory that if you just cannot decide what to cook for a meal, just chop an onion – I have never yet failed to have a complete and creative recipe idea by the time I have finished. A tasty power-packed food to try and have every day !!! The often misunderstood Cauliflower has very similar properties to broccoli, sprouts and cabbage. Try to eat as raw as possible or lightly cook. Conversely, cook as I like to thus: A quick and “superfood – packed” recipe for when cooking is just another stress on top of everything else……… Pre heat an available oven to somewhere around 180°C (350F)(Gas Mark 4) Par boil (10 mins) or microwave (7-10 mins in a few drops of water) a ton, or thereabouts, of cauliflower and broccoli, whilst lightly frying a chopped mountain of white onions in a decent amount olive oil. Wash an oven dish. Throw half the onions into it and place the drained cauliflower on top of the onions, then creatively throw the rest of the onions of top of the cauliflower. Roughly chop a huge bunch of spring onions, at least one of each colour of bell pepper and some red onions and scatter the lot on top. Pour a jar of white sauce of some description over everything. Grate a good, yet sensibly priced, mature block of cheese and spread over the whole mixture. Top the cheese with mixed hot chilli flakes, mixed ground peppers and a sensible amount of cayenne pepper, depending on what mood you are in and the weather. Cover with aluminium foil and place wherever it will fit in the preheated oven. After about 20 minutes or so, remove the foil for 10 minutes. Then remove from the oven, smell heartily, show off to guests and eat, with a deliciously large helping of meat of some description, obviously cooked around the same time. (Even great on its own !!!) You now have, in the space of 40 minutes maximum, at least 12 fantastic ingredients (not counting the sauce) all in one quick and beautifully nutritious meal. I would have put a picture here, but I have eaten it all, it is that good !!! If you have any left, just refrigerate and it is good for at least a couple of days. Just slice yourself a portion and reheat in the microwave. You then have a 5 minute meal containing 12 wonderful ingredients !!! An apple a day (and all that)……. Apart from being full of vitamin C, they are full of fibre for lowering cholesterol. HOWEVER – Apples are also “Antibacterial”, “Anti-viral” and “Anti-inflammatory” !!! More profoundly for Bell’s Palsy they are a good exerciser of the facial muscles, as you actually have to open your mouth quite wide to fit them in and then, apply quite a lot of pressure to bite and ultimately chew them. It is a good daily habit to get into for all of these reasons. A beautifully packaged and pocket sized Bell’s Palsy Fitness Centre. Enjoy !!! 3. Accupressure

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