Back pain can be caused by many different things. Only about 1 in 25 people with pain in their lower back have a slipped disc. If you have a slipped disc, the pain is caused by the damaged disc pressing on a nerve.
The main symptoms of a slipped disc are back pain and sciatica. Sciatica is a pain that spreads down through your buttock and your leg.
Sakit Tulang Belakang disebabkan oleh banyak faktor. Hanya 1 orang diantara 25 orang yang menanggung kesakitan bahagian abdomen bawah disebabkan oleh Slip Disk. Slip Disk adalah keadaan dimana kesakaitan akibat saraf yang tersepit dan tertekan. Tanda utama slip disk adalah kesakitan bahagian tulang belakang dan Sciatika. Sciatika adalah kesakitan yang menyeluruh kebahagian bawah abdomen melalui punggung dan bahagian kaki)
Back pain
The pain from a slipped disc can start in different ways. You might feel an ache in your lower back after you do something that you're not used to, even something like raking autumn leaves. Some hours later, the pain gets so bad that you can't move about easily.
Or you may get severe pain all of a sudden, without warning. Some people say it can feel like being stabbed with a knife.
Serious pain can stop you carrying out your normal activities. It's worth seeing your GP about it. To find out whether you have a slipped disc, your GP will need to find out if doing different kinds of movements hurts you.
Sakit Bahagian Tulang Belakang - Kesakitan akibat Slip Disk bermula dari pelbagai cara. Anda akan merasa sakit dibahagian bawah tulang belakang selepas aktibiti yang jarang anda lakukan, seperti menyapu. Selepas beberapa jam kemudian anda mengalami kesakitan yang amat sangat sehingga anda tidak dapat bergerak dengan selesa. Kadangkala anda mendapat kesakitan secara tiba tiba seolah olah ditikam dari arah belakang dengan pisau. Kesakitan ini boleh menghalang aktibiti biasa anda.Di tahap ini berjumpalah Doktor anda untuk pemeriksaan sekiranya pergerakan amat terbatas akibat kesakitan ini.)
If you have a slipped disc, you'll almost always get pain in your buttocks, thighs, legs, and feet. Usually the pain is only on one side.
You may also get numbness, weakness, or tingling in the same area.
These symptoms mean the damaged disc is pressing on a sciatic nerve. These nerves travel from the base of your back through your buttocks and down the back of each leg to your feet.
Sciatica can come on at the same time as the back pain or it may come on later. The pain may move from your lower back to your leg.
With sciatica you can find it uncomfortable to sit down, stand up, or bend over. You will also find it painful to lift the affected leg while you're lying down. This is one of the tests doctors use to diagnose sciatica.
You can often get relief by getting into certain comfortable positions, such as lying down.
Although 9 in 10 people with sciatica do have a slipped disc, having sciatica doesn't prove that you have a damaged disc. About 1 in 10 people with sciatica get it because of other problems.
Sciatika - Sekiranya anda mengalami Slip Disc anda juga akan merasa kesakitan dibahagian punggung, peha dan kaki serta bahagian telapak kaki dan kesakitan itu hanya berlaku disebelah badan sahaja.Tanda tanda lain adalah kekebasan, kelemahan atau terasa seperti mencucuk dikawasan tersebut. Tanda tanda ini menunjukkan bahawa saraf tulang belakang anda tersepit akibat dari disc yang rosak. Saraf ini menjalar dari tulang belakang melalui punggung terus kebawah abhagian peha dan kaki. Sciatika boleh terjadi bersama sama dengan kesakitan tulang belakang ataupun berlaku pada masa yang berbeza. Kesakitan biasanya terjadi secara menjalar atau keseluruhannya dari tulang belakang sehingga peha dan kaki. Sciatika menyebabkan anda tidak selesa untuk duduk, berdiri atau membongkok. Anda juga akan terasa kesakitan apabila cuba mengangkat kaki yang sakit semasa didalam keadaan baring. Ini adalah salah satu cara ujian yang lakukan. Anda akan berasa selesa dengan beberapa posisi seperti berbaring lurus dilantai rata. Pada kebiasaanya hanya 9 orang dari 10 orang yang mengalami sciatika juga mempunyai tanda slip disk, tetapi pesakit yang mengalami sciatika tidak semestinya mempunyai tanda tanda kerosakan disk. Hanya 1 orang dari 10 orang yang didapati mengalami sciatika juga mengalami Slip Disk disebabakan oleh faktor faktor lain.)
Warning signs of something more serious
If you have back pain and you also lose control of your bowels or bladder, or if your arms or legs feel numb or weak, you need to get medical help at once. These symptoms can mean one of two things.
Your slipped disc could be pressing on the spinal cord (doctors call this spinal cord compression).
Your slipped disc could be pressing on the nerves that run down from the bottom of the spinal cord. Doctors call these nerves the cauda equina. If these nerves are being damaged, it is called cauda equina syndrome.
We don't talk about treating spinal cord compression or cauda equina syndrome here. But they are medical emergencies. If you have these symptoms, you may need urgent surgery to relieve the pressure on the affected nerves.
(Amaran sesuatu yang Lebih Serius - Sekiranya kesakitan bahagian belakang anda menyebabkan anda tidak dapat mengawal usus besar dan pundi kencing anda atau keseluruhan tangan atau kaki berasa kebas, lemah.... anda perlulah berjumpa dengan Doktor anda dengan segera, Ini sebab tanda tanda diatas boleh terjadi akibat 2 perkara, Slip Disk anda telah pun menyebabkan saraf tersepit atau didalam takrifan Doktor sebagai Spinal Cord Compression. Atau Slip disk anda menyebabkan saraf yang melalui peha dan kai tersepit ini dikenali sebagai Cauda Equina Sindrom. Sekiranya anda mempunyai tanda ini teruslah ke Hospitak untuk mendapatkan rawatan kecemasan.)
1. Kiropraktik
2. Acupunture Definitions of Back pain
Kidney Chi Deficiency
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, the Kidney and Bladder acupuncture meridians govern the back. When there is a deficiency in Kidney Yin or Kidney Yang this may have a negative effect on the acupuncture channels on the posterior of the body resulting in weakness, stiffness and/or pain in the back.
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Liver Chi Stagnation
The body's Chi (Vital Energy) must flow freely for abundant health. In TCM, the Liver organ governs the free flow of Chi in all areas of the body including the upper and lower back. Any impediment to the free flow of energy in the back will result in moderate pain and stiffness. As the Liver organ in TCM is closely associated with emotions such as stress, frustration and anger – we would often observe case histories where back pain is triggered or exacerbated by emotional triggers such as premenstrual syndrome.
Blood Stagnation in the Lower Back
As a severe form of Chi stagnation (above), blood stagnation or blood stasis in the lower back can result in severe stabbing pain on movement or rest. This is a result of long term Chi stagnation which eventually causes the flow of blood in the affected area to effectively become stuck. In TCM theory, the Chi (especially Liver Chi) moves blood in the acupuncture channels – any impediment to the free flow of Chi results in internal "friction" which almost often transforms into severe pain and stiffness. Blood stagnation in the lower back may form as a result of physical issues such as injury due to a fall, impact, exposure to cold wind or overwork, and emotional issues such as long term stress.
Invasion of Wind Cold
According to acupuncture theory, the Kidneys are susceptible to invasion of wind cold or damp cold. This occurs when the lower back is frequently exposed to cold or damp weather resulting in depletion of the Kidney Yang energies and as cold obstructs movement the eventual stagnation of Chi in the affected area. Invasion of cold may be accompanied by symptoms such as feeling of cold, tightness in the lower back, frequent urination and low energy.
3. Herbs
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