Saturday 18 August 2012

properties of Blueberry

They're blue, they're delicious, and it seems like every other day the media reports new health benefits of blueberries. All blueberries are nutritional powerhouses - but wild blueberries, if you can get them (and they're increasingly available frozen in your supermarket), are the ones to go for. A 2004 USDA study ranked wild blueberries as the number one anti-oxidant fruit, with 48% more antioxidants than the cultivated (farmed) berry. Anti-oxidants fight free radicals in the body, which help build your immunity. So what can blueberries do for you? They are a cancer fighting superfood bursting with antioxidants that fight cancer and other diseases. Have cholesterol lowering properties and promote heart health. Prevent macular degeneration. Promote urinary health. Have been called "brain food" and can help with Alzheimer's prevention. Anti-aging foods (of which wild blueberries are one of the best) can delay and reverse the signs of aging. Help protect circulatory health. Are an excellent anti-diabetes food, both in prevention and control of the disease. Are one of nature's perfect anti-inflammatory foods. Help to promote and maintain digestive health. Aid with weight loss and a healthy diet. In fact, blueberry nutrition goes way beyond antioxidants... In short, they taste fab and are wonderful for you. Go eat some now! Thanks

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