Sunday 16 December 2012

Course Organised by JAWI Herbs Centre

JAWI Herbs Centre akan mengadakan kursus Perubatan jawi di Seri Manjung, Teluk Intan dan Ipoh. JAWI Herbs Centre will be organising Jawi Holistic courses at Seri Manjung, Teluk Intan and Ipoh for the following courses:
1 Day Course for Diagnose using Hand 1. Medium – English and Bahasa 2. Version – For Muslim and Non Muslim (Men and Women) 3. Costing Structure Fees RM200 Syllabus for Diagnose using Hand 1. Herbal in Synergy 2. Holistic approach 3. Character 4. Skill 1- Stomach problem 5. Skill 2 – Heart Problem a. Atherosclerosis b. Myorcardium infarction 6. Skill 3 - Immunity 7. Skill 4 - Kidney 8. Skill 5 – Women and Men a. Senggugut b. Fibroid c. Cervic cancer d. White mucus 9. Skill 6 – Backbone 10. Skill 7 – Uric Acid 11. Skill 8 - Cholestrol 12. Skill 9 - Imbalance Hormone 13. Skill 10 – Neuro problems 14. Skill 11 – Stress 15. Skill 12 – Lung and Allergic 16. Skill 13 – Diabetic 17. Skill 14 – Liver 18. Skill 15 – Flatulance and Winds 19. Herbal Synergy 2 20. Methodology 21. Additional Skills a. Toxicity b. Kidney and Liver stone c. Tyroid d. Gastritis
1 Day Course for Diagnose using Pulse, Tongue and Other Organ 1. Medium – English and Bahasa 2. Version – For Muslim and Non Muslim (Men and Women) 3. Costing Structure Fees RM160 + Buku ”Teknik Diagnos & Perawatan, pp 108 RM 40 Total RM200 Syllabus for Diagnose using Pulse and Tongue Pulse 1. Position of Chi, Guan Chun 2. Pulse Strength 3. Ying and Yang Syndrome 4. Depth and speed Tongue 5. Tongue indicator 6. Colour 7. Top Layer 8. Ibnu Sinna Elements Theory Other Organ 9. Voice 10. Smell 11. Meridian points 12. Temperature 13. Urin 14. Hair 15. Foot 16. Nails 17. Facial 18. Ear 19. Lips 20. Nose 21. Eye and eye brows 22. Pimples 23. Eye
1 Day Chiropractic Course 1. Medium – English and Bahasa 2. Version – For Muslim and Non Muslim (Men and Women) 3. Costing Structure Fees RM170 Buku ”Pembetulan Tulang Belakang” RM 30 (104 pp, Coloured photograph) Total RM200 Syllabus for Chiropractic 1. Introduction to Chiropractic 2. Anatomy Backbone 3. Muscle Contraction 4. Theraphy with Solat (Muslim) 5. Neurotransmitter 6. Function of Backbone 7. Symptom of problem 8. Source of problem 9. Intervertebral Disc 10. Autonomic Nervous System 11. Type of Backbone problem a. Lordosys b. Kyphosys c. Flat back d. Poor Posture e. Scoliosys 12. Diagnose 13. Contraindication 14. SOP 15. Herbal theraphy 16. Exercise 17. Breathing Exercise
Bees Farming Course 1. Medium – English and Bahasa 2. Version – For Muslim and Non Muslim 3. Costing Structure a. Fees (Local Lecturer) RM450 Syllabus for Bees Farming Day 1- Apis millifera and Apis cerana 1. Taxonomy, Biology, Anatomy 2. Life Cycle and responsibility 3. Mating Flight 4. Food Source Management a. Food Type and composition b. Food Production Quantity c. Factors effecting Food source d. Identification of plants e. Production of Royal Jelly f. Additional Food Source 5. Colony Management a. Colony Management- Outside b. Colony management – Inside c. Collecting Cerana 6. Pest and Diseases 7. Equipments 8. Products and usage a. Honey and Scientific usage b. Honey Chemical Analysis c. Trial Result on Honey and Diabetic d. Bee Pollen e. Bee Bread f. Propolis g. Royal Jelly h. Apilarnil i. Venom
Day 2 – Stingless Bees and Apitheraphy 1. Taxonomy and Biology 2. Collecting Trigona 3. Trigona for Economy 4. Apitheraphy a. Products used b. Concept c. Theory d. Testimony e. Synergy
Basic Cupping Course 1. Medium – English and Bahasa 2. Version – For Muslim and Non Muslim (Men and Women) 3. Introduction to Cupping 4. Anatomy Skin 5. Cardiovascular System 6. Dry Cupping Theory 7. Wet Cupping Theory 8. Practical 9. Costing Structure Fees RM150 + 1 set Cupping Set (12 cups) RM100 + l pc Lancet Pen RM 50 Total RM300 Syllabus for Basic Cupping 1. Who started practising Cupping 2. Basic Concept of Cupping 3. History 4. Defination 5. Benefits and testimony 6. Physiology 7. Anatomy 8. Cupping Location/Points 9. Cupping in Modern Medicines a. Pathophysiology b. Microtrauma 10. Cupping effects a. Immunity System and Cupping b. Anti Inflammation c. Endocrine system 11. Benefits of Cupping location 12. Clinical testimony a. Local b. International c. Bloodletting 13. Conclusion 14. Contraindication 15. Standard Operating Procedure 16. Do’s and Don’t 17. Equipments 18. Practices and sterilisation 19. Patients
1 Day Reflexology Course 1. Medium – English and Bahasa 2. Version – For Muslim and Non Muslim (Men and Women) 3. Costing Structure Fees RM150 + Massage Oil 1 Bottle Inclusive + Towel 1 pcs Inclusive Syllabus for Reflexology 1. Preparation for Massager 2. Preparation for patient 3. Understanding Reflexy point 4. Reflex Technique 5. Understanding Blood Flow 6. Dermatome 7. Foot in relation to organs 8. Tools 9. Position of patient 10. After Reflex 11. Reflex points a. Arthritis b. Bronchial Asthmatic c. Cardiovaskular d. Diabetic e. Stomach problem f. Endocrine g. Additional points
Course for Acupuncture 1. Medium – English and Bahasa 2. Version – For Muslim and Non Muslim (Men and Women) 3. Costing Structure for every Sub Module Fees RM200 + Lecture Notes RM 50 Total RM250 Sub Module for Acupuncture Sub Module 1 (2 Days) RM250 1. Anatomy 2. Theory Yin and Yang 3. Theory Wu Xing 4. Theory 5 elements 5. History, Defination and introduction to Acupuncture 6. Treatment using Acupuncture 7. Risk using Acupuncture 8. Practising Acupuncture 9. Introduction to 14 Meridians 10. Points nine for Beginners Sub Module 2 (2 Days) RM250 11. Merdian Lung (11 points) 12. Meridian Hearts (9 points) 13. Pericardium (9 points) 14. Meridian San Jiao (23 points) 15. Large Intestine (20 points) 16. Small Intestines (11 points Sub Module 3 ( 2 days) RM250 17. Meridian Urinary (67 points) 18. Meridian Kidney (27 points) 19. Meridian Stomach (45 points) Sub Module 4 ( 2 Days) RM250 20. Meridian Spleen (21 points) 21. Meridian Liver (14 points) 22. Meridian Ren (24 points) 23. Meridian Gall Bladder (44 points) 24. Meridian Du ( 26 points) 25. Extra Points Akan Datang 1. Kursus Iridiologi 2. Kursus Sauna Herba 3. Sinergi Herba 4. Bekam Lintah 5. Moksibasi 6. Nutritional Healing Untuk keterangan lanjut Sila hubungi Herbalis Hj Yusof 0192075142

1 comment:

  1. Jawi Herbs Centre has open for new intake registration for various courses stated above:
    a. Place : No. 23B dan 23C, Persiaran Greentown 4, Pusat Perdagangan Greentown, 30450 Ipoh, Perak
    b. Date : 05.01.2012, Saturday
    c. Time : 10.00am - 06.00pm
    d. Course for Basic Acupuncture, Module 1
