Sunday 13 May 2012

juice for high blood pressure

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a dangerous condition because it increases your risk for heart disease, stroke and kidney disease. A nutritious diet with an emphasis on fruits and vegetables may help lower your blood pressure and allow you to delay or avoid going on medications. Talk to your doctor before starting a diet or exercise program to control your blood pressure. TOMATOES Juicing tomatoes may help lower your blood pressure because tomatoes are high in potassium, vitamin C and dietary fiber, and each 1 cup of raw tomatoes has only 9 mg sodium. A high-sodium diet may prevent you from lowering your blood pressure, and adults with high blood pressure, older adults and African-Americans should have no more than 1,500 mg sodium per day. Many commercial tomato or vegetable juices are high in sodium, so juice your own fresh tomatoes, or choose low-sodium canned or bottled juice to limit your sodium intake. The Complete DNA Diet All-Natural Meals, Exercise, Supplements customized for your DNA Sponsored Links BERRIES Berries, including strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries, are good for juicing to lower your blood pressure because they are nearly sodium-free, and they are provide at least 200 mg potassium per cup. A high-potassium diet may lower your blood pressure, and the recommended dietary allowance for adults is at lest 4,700 mg per day. Berries are good sources of dietary fiber and vitamin C. CITRUS FRUITS Citrus fruits, such as oranges, tangerines and grapefruits, are high in potassium and low in sodium, and they make tasty additions to a juice for lowering blood pressure. Vitamin C is an antioxidant vitamin that may lower blood pressure if you have hypertension, and citrus fruits are good sources. Citrus fruits also provide dietary fiber, which is a plant nutrient that may promote a healthy blood pressure. LEAFY GREEN VEGETABLES Juice leafy green vegetables because they are low in sodium and high in potassium, dietary fiber and vitamin C. Spinach, kale and chard provide magnesium and calcium, two other essential minerals for a healthy blood pressure. When you juice vegetables and fruits to try to lower your blood pressure, remember that an overall balanced diet is the best approach. Books as References The Complete DNA Diet All-Natural Meals, Exercise, Supplements customized for your DNA I Had High Blood Pressure Now It's Down To 127/82 - Find Out! How I Did It In A Few Weeks. Proven Acne Treatment skiniD ™ - Order Your Personalized Acne Fighter Risk-Free For $19.95. 400mg Green Coffee Bean Weight Loss Breakthrough 100% Pure-no additives-fat attacker Sponsored Links REFERENCES U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010; January 2010 Linus Pauling Institute; Dietary Fiber; Jane Higdon; December 2005 Linus Pauling Institute; Calcium; Jane Higdon; April 2003 Linus Pauling Institute; Vitamin C; Jane Higdon; January 2006 Linus Pauling Institute; Magnesium; Jane Higdon; April 2003 Produce for Better Health Foundation: Fruits and Veggies: More Matters: Best of: Sodium

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