Sunday 12 June 2011

Fatty Liver

A healthy liver is an amazing organ with over 500 known functions. It cleans your blood and helps fight infections. It helps digest food and stores energy for when you need it. It even has the amazing ability to grow back or regenerate when it damaged.

It is normal for a healthy liver to contain some fat. When too much fat is deposited in the liver, it becomes inflamed and enlarged. This is FATTY LIVER, the earliest sign of liver damaged. Fatty liver is reversible but if left untreated, scar tissues may form that could lead to irrevesible liver damaged.

Fatty Liver has no symptoms. The only way doctor can confirm fatty liver is through a biopsy where a liver samples is extracted and examined in the lab. However, those who likely to have fatty liver may have certain common characteristics.
In the Alternatives medicines the most common symptoms and sign can be seen from the eye retina becomes yellowish the thicker the yellow colour show the seriousness of liver damaged, another sign is the wavy of the thumbnail.

Those who are at risk:
1. have waist size equal or greater than 37 inches (men) and 31.5 inches (women)
2. have high cholestrol
3. have hogh blood sugars
4. consume alcoholic beverages regularly

When a lver is damaged, the membranes of its cell lose phospholipids, which are an important component of all cell membranes. If the phospholipids of a cell membranes are represented by bricks in a wall, a damaged cell membranes would look like a battered wall.
When a phospholipids are replaced quickly, a damaged liver can repair enough liver cells to resume normal functions. When phospholipids replaced, the replaced cell membranes looks loke a new wall again.

Article from Essentiale Forte 50.....

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